We are a public/private entity that was founded in 2005 with a commitment to preserve and support the downtown community. As an Indiana-Accredited Main Street and a member of Main Street America, the organization is driven by the Main Street Four-Point Approach — organization, promotion, design, and economic vitality.

What We Do
Community Development
At Main Street Greensburg, we work towards the development of our community by improving the economic conditions of our downtown. We aim to create a vibrant and thriving downtown that can attract visitors and businesses alike.
Historic Preservation
We believe that the preservation of our history is crucial in maintaining the unique identity of our community. We work towards preserving the historic buildings and landmarks that make Greensburg special.
Promotion and Marketing
We promote and market the downtown area by organizing events, festivals, and other activities that can attract visitors and promote local businesses.
Our Mission
Main Street Greensburg promotes and serves Greensburg’s iconic downtown by honoring its unique history, strengthening its economic vitality, and cultivating growth while remaining rooted by the famous Decatur County Courthouse tower tree.